Eureka Springs Historic District Commission
City staff work with members of the Historic District Commission, a group of seven Eureka Springs citizens appointed by City Council to oversee the City’s historic preservation program.
Current Commissioners
Dee Bright, Chair (Position 2, Term Expires: 11.30.25)
Frank Green, Secretary (Position 4, Term Expires: 11.30.25)
Magi Hayde (Position 6, Term Expires: 03.07.26)
Debbie Davis (Position 3, Term Expires: 11.30.26)
Susan Daniels, Treasurer (Position 5, Term Expires: 11.30.26)
Christine Santimore, Vice-chair (Position 7, Term Expires: 03.07.26)
VACANT (Position 1, Term Expires: 11.30.24)
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Historic District Commission Duties
The Commission shall perform all duties relating to preservation of historic resources as set out in Chapter 2.64, including the designation of sites, structures, objects or districts and the review and approval or rejection of plans for the construction, alteration, demolition or relocation of any such site, structure, object or district (issuance of Certificate of Appropriateness). Decisions of the Commission are final unless appealed to the circuit court.
The Commission shall also perform the following additional functions:
To promote awareness and understanding of, and appreciation for, the value of historic resource preservation in contributing to the quality of life in the City, and actively encourage property owners to voluntarily designate their properties as historic landmarks;
To advise the City Council and City staff with regard to the identification and evaluation of historic resources within the city limits and provide information regarding the significance of the resources, the nature and degree of threat to their preservation, and methods for their protection;
To advise the City Council and City staff with regard to appropriate policies, incentives and regulations for encouraging and/or requiring preservation and rehabilitation of historic resources;
To coordinate with the various other City boards, commissions and City staff members whose actions may affect the preservation of historic resources in the community;
To perform such other duties and functions as may be provided by the City Council by ordinance or resolution.
Volunteer for HDC
Estimated commitment:
Each position serves for a three-year term
Approximately 5-10 hours per month
Members of HDC are appointed by City Council, who give consideration to maintaining a balance of interests, skills, and qualifications among Commissioners. Recommended qualifications include: training, experience, knowledge or interest in any one or more of the fields of architecture, architectural history, landscape architecture, engineering, contracting, urban planning, history, archaeology or related disciplines, mortgage lending, and commerce.